The Boggs Center provides information and training to help people with developmental disabilities and their families navigate complex systems of support and advocate for the lives they want. People with developmental disabilities and their families can get involved through leadership development opportunities and contributing to the education of practicing and future professionals by sharing their perspectives and lived experiences.
The Center’s publications address a range of topics, including: Community Supports & Services; Early Childhood; Health & Wellbeing; Mental Health, Dual Diagnosis, & Behavior; Policy, Civil Rights, & Advocacy; Planning & Visioning Across the LifeCourse; Post-Secondary Education; Self-Direction; Support Coordination; Supported Employment; and Transition.
Training Opportunities
Training for people with disabilities and families is available to help them understand expectations and processes related to systems navigation and person-centered planning and be empowered to share their voice. Visit The Boggs Center Online Registration System for current training opportunities.
New Jersey Partners in Policymaking
NJ Partners in Policymaking is an 8-month leadership development and advocacy education program for adults with developmental disabilities and family members of young children and transition age youth that prepares the next generation of disability advocates to work toward meaningful change in our state.
New Jersey Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (NJLEND) Program
NJLEND, a 9-month interdisciplinary leadership development program, provides training aimed at preparing the next generation of health leaders, family members, and advocates to address the needs of children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), related developmental disabilities, and other maternal and child health populations.
Opportunities to Educate Practicing and Future Professionals
There are a range of opportunities for people with disabilities and families to participate in educating current and future professionals. Opportunities may take place virtually or in-person and may last an hour up to several hours.
Visits to families with children with developmental disabilities are a key component of the Seminar on Family Centered Care and Developmental Disabilities for medical students coordinated by The Boggs Center. View this flyer for more information about providing a unique educational experience for medical students by serving as a host family for the Seminar.
Families with children with developmental disabilities can also serve as Mentor Families in the NJLEND program, providing trainees with a better understanding of the impact of disability on their family by sharing their perspectives and at least two unique experiences.
To learn more about these and other opportunities to educate practicing and future professionals, contact Caroline N. Coffield, PhD.