Gizem Tatarer, PhD, BCBA is a Training and Consultation Specialist at The Boggs Center. She provides training and technical assistance to schools involved in the NJ Positive Behavior Support in Schools project, a partnership between the New Jersey State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and The Boggs Center.
Dr. Tatarer has served as the Director of Program Quality and Evaluation at NYU Steinhardt’s ASD Nest Support Project. She has extensive clinical experience in pre- and in-service teacher training on autism spectrum disorders (ASD), understanding challenging behavior, parent training, and implementing positive behavior support framework in inclusive and community settings. For several years, Dr. Tatarer served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Hunter College, teaching such courses on behavior theory and student teaching/practicum seminars. Dr. Tatarer’s research interests include implementation of class-wide reinforcement systems in inclusive settings and the fidelity of implementation of evidence-based classroom practices. Dr. Tatarer has been recognized as a Rising Alumni by the University of Minnesota, CEHD Alumni Society for achieving early distinction in her career, demonstrating outstanding leadership, and showing exceptional volunteer service in the community.
In 2011, she completed her PhD program at the University of Minnesota, Educational Psychology program with a specialization in Special Education. She holds a BA in Psychology from Koc University (Istanbul, Turkey) and a Masters in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota.
Phone: 732-667-0240